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Wiki pages
1. Introduction to WHIST
2. WHIST requirements
3. Download software and get started
4. How to change projection (i.e use another topography database) of your WHIST set up
5. Navigation
6. View tools
7. The HYDRO tab
8. Load and save WHIST work
9. Select subbasins
10. Editing tools
11. Extract and connect attributes to the subbasins
12. Export shapefiles and tables
Basic exercises using WHIST example set up: Get familiar with some tools
Basic exercises: HYPE file dependency on delineation and routing changes
Create subbasins from hydrologically corrected topography data (DEM, DIR, ACC)
Import subbasin polygons with or without existing routing information
Useful tips for handling the SLC grid (Soil and landsue combinations in HYPE)