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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • Bug
    climix / climix
  • Requested
    climix / climix
    Required or requsted for production
  • Other labels

  • Architecture
    climix / climix
    Issue related to CLIMIX architecture
  • Blocked
    climix / climix
    Issue is blocked awaiting other issues to be solved
  • CF
    climix / climix
    Issue that depends on new/updates/changes to CF
  • CI/CD
    climix / climix
    Overall issue for implementation of CI/CD
    climix / climix
    CLIMIX interaction with or dependency on CLIX-META
  • Decision
    climix / climix
    Decision needed
  • Done
    climix / climix
    Issue that is concluded during the current sprint [LABEL IS OBSOLETE??]
  • Feature
    climix / climix
    New features
  • Index
    climix / climix
    New indices (involves changes to metadata.yml)
  • Index_function
    climix / climix
    New index functions (involving updates to, metadata.yml, and
  • Infrastructure
    climix / climix
    New infrastructure functionality
  • In Progress
    climix / climix
    Issue actively being worked on
  • IRIS
    climix / climix
    Issue mostly depending on updated IRIS functionality
  • Metadata
    climix / climix
    Issue related to metadata handling
  • Needs Review
    climix / climix
    Issue that are ready for review, but not yet picked up by a reviewer
  • Obsolete
    climix / climix
    Issue considered obsolete. (Issue must be closed when adding this label)