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The goal of the [OSeaIce projet](https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/834493) is to explore the two-way interactions between ocean heat transport and Arctic sea ice, using the [EC-Earth](http://www.ec-earth.org/) coupled atmosphere-ocean global climate model. A depiction of the main ocean currents going to the Arctic is shown in the figure below.
So far, I have performed two types of model sensitivity experiments with EC-Earth3.3.1.1 (NEMO3.6-LIM3 ocean-sea ice model coupled to IFS cycle 36r4 atmosphere model) using T255-ORCA1 grids (100km nominal resolution in both the atmosphere and ocean):
I have performed different types of model sensitivity experiments with EC-Earth3.3.1.1 (NEMO3.6-LIM3 ocean-sea ice model coupled to IFS cycle 36r4 atmosphere model) using the standard resolution (T255-ORCA1, 100km nominal resolution in both the atmosphere and ocean):
1) [Global experiments](Global experiments): experiments in which I modified the value of certain ocean coefficients globally (e.g. eddy viscosity, bottom drag coefficient)
2) [SST restoring experiments](SST restoring experiments): experiments in which I restored the SST in a selected region to a certain value.
2) [SST restoring experiments](SST restoring experiments): experiments in which I restored the SST in a selected region to a certain value
I am also performing sensitivity experiments with the high-resolution configuration of EC-Earth (T511-ORCA025), see [High resolution](High resolution).
3) Albedo experiments: experiments in which I decreased the value of the sea-ice albedo.
I have also performed sensitivity experiments with the high-resolution configuration of EC-Earth (T511-ORCA025), see [High resolution](High resolution).
Another ongoing work is the analysis of CMIP6 data in terms of Arctic sea ice and ocean heat transport, see [CMIP6](CMIP6).
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