Add unit tests for index functions
Implemented tests:
CountLevelCrossings -
CountOccurrences -
CountJointOccurrencesPrecipitationTemperature -
CountJointOccurrencesTemperature -
DiurnalTemperatureRange -
ExtremeTemperatureRange -
FirstOccurrence (moved to later release) -
InterdayDiurnalTemperatureRange -
LastOccurrence (moved to later release) -
Percentile -
Statistics -
ThresholdedPercentile -
ThresholdedStatistics -
RunningStatistics -
ThresholdedRunningStatistics -
The following unit tests needs to be reviewed from a scientific point of view:
CountLevelCrossings - Gustav -
CountOccurrences - Gustav -
CountJointOccurrencesPrecipitationTemperature -
CountJointOccurrencesTemperature -
DiurnalTemperatureRange - Renate -
ExtremeTemperatureRange - Renate -
InterdayDiurnalTemperatureRange - Renate -
Statistics -
ThresholdedStatistics - Renate -
RunningStatistics (complex output with post-processing included) -
ThresholdedRunningStatistics (complex output with post-processing included) -
{"data": (-1) * np.arange(12).reshape(2, 2, 3), "units": "degree_Celsius"},
{"data": np.arange(12).reshape(2, 2, 3), "units": "degree_Celsius"},
{"data": 0, "units": "degree_Celsius", "standard_name": "air_temperature"},
np.array([[1, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2]]),
), # ordinary np
parameter_names = "f_cube_tasmin, f_cube_tasmax, f_first_threshold, expected"
The index function is count_level_crossings, bellow the parameter list with the data we can see the parameter names. Such that,
f_cube_tasmin = {"data": (-1) * np.arange(12).reshape(2, 2, 3), "units": "degree_Celsius"}
f_cube_tasmax = {"data": np.arange(12).reshape(2, 2, 3), "units": "degree_Celsius"}
f_first_threshold = {"data": 0, "units": "degree_Celsius", "standard_name": "air_temperature"}
expected = np.array([[1, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2]])
Edited by Carolina Nilsson