Reference period definition in index_definitions.yml
To conclude after offline conversation. Some index definitions utilises a reference period in the definition for the calculation and there is no obvious way in how this should be handled. A suggestion would be to included the reference period in the clix-meta index definition, given the following example:
name: count_thresholded_percentile_occurrences
kind: quantity
standard_name: lwe_precipitation_rate
long_name: "Wet day threshold"
data: 1
units: "mm day-1"
kind: operator
operator: ">="
kind: quantity
proposed_standard_name: quantile
long_name: "Percentile value"
data: "{PRC}"
units: "%"
kind: operator
operator: ">"
kind: time_period
data: ['1961-01-01 00:00:00', '1991-01-01 00:00:00']
the reference period could then be used in the index calculation and the output should contain a global attribute giving information about which reference period that was used.
global attributes:
:reference_period = "1961-01-01 00:00:00 to 1991-01-01 00:00:00"
or something similar.
Notes there were also a discussion about having an additional Auxiliary coordinate variable with the following information:
reference_period:(var_name: "reference_period", standard_name: "reference_epoch", value: mean(n1,n2), bounds: [n1, n2], unit: "days since 1961-01-01 00:00:00")
where n1 and n2 are the point values for the start and end of the time period defined by the unit.
Edited by Carolina Nilsson